
Holly Wales

Holly Wales is a UK based illustrator. Her work explores a variety of subject matter and is predominantly drawing-based, pushing colour marker pens to their limits. She works with text and multiple layers of colour to deconstructs forms & build dynamic compositions. Holly’s work plays on chance and process to produce a body of work which remains in a constant state of flux, where the process behind one image becomes the beginning of the next, focussing on the performance of chaos in a controlled visual structure, and highlighting moments in time. Holly is always experimenting with new materials in order to create her unique hand-made illustrations for print, online & animation. She has also exhibited work internationally in a number of group shows. Her client list includes; Bloomberg, Conde Nast, Deutsche Bank, Esquire, Fallon, Financial Times, Frieze, GQ, Nestle, The Guardian, GAS (Japan), The Wall Street Journal, Mens Health, Travel & Leisure, National Geographic, Byron Hamburgers, The Huffington Post, The V&A, The Telegraph, Uniqlo, Urban Outfitters, and Wired.

ホーリーウェールズは、イギリスを中心に活動するイラストレーターです。マーカーペンの限界を探るべく、さまざまなモチーフをマーカーペンのみを使って描いています。タイポグラフィーや色などを何重ものレイヤーに重ね、さまざまなモチーフや建物などをダイナミックなコンポジションで描いており、作品作りにおける過程で出来る偶然的な要素や流動性を大事にしています。また、常に新しい素材を使ってハンドメイドのプリントやオンライン・アニ メーションなどを制作しています。これまでの主な仕事に、Bloomberg、Conde Nast、Deutsche Bank、Esquire、Fallon、Financial Times、Frieze、GQ, Nestle, The Guardian, GAS (Japan), The Wall Street Journal, Mens Health, Travel & Leisure, National Geographic, Byron Hamburgers, The Huffington Post, The V&A, The Telegraph, Uniqlo, Urban Outfitters,やWiredなどがあります。

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