illustrator, painter

Yui Horiuchi

YUI HORIUCHI spent her childhood in Washington D.C. and began creating artworks while enrolled in art college. While Horiuchi's main focus is painting and drawing, her artmaking expands to incorporate a wide range of work from magazine covers, large scale installation projects and animation works. Her signature series “FROM BEHIND” is a collection of drawings of women as pictured from behind.

堀内結は、東京を拠点に活動するアーティストです。幼少期をワシントンで過ごし、美大在籍中に制作を始め、現在は雑誌のイラストから大型作品まで幅広く手がけている。女性の後ろ姿を描いた「FROM BEHIND」が代表作。近年ではアニメーションにも挑戦中。

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